Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A little bit about Wallace

Hi everyone!

Weekly updates have been a little slow and will probably start being posted irregularly since it's quite a busy month to work on, but progress is still being made.

Wallace as we covered before is a plastic artist, quite eccentric, likes to play guitar, meditate, etc.
He is Albie's roomate and his mission is to make Albie less violent, to control his emotions, and make him grow spiritually.

Why did I pick Wallace as a topic today? Because Wallace is based on John Lennon.
John Lennon and Wallace don't just share similar looks but also share a similar personality and personal tastes.

Wallace is gonna be a key character in Boomcat, not just being a roomate but also some sort of trainer. What I want to express here is that, training is not always about strength or combat, it is also spiritual. Boomcat has all the strength he needs, but he lacks of maturity, he lacks of spirit, and he even lacks of inner peace.

Wallace is in a way, a tribute to Sir John Lennon, a member of The Beatles, a man who talked about peace, a man who started a revolution from his bed. I always have admired Lennon since I was a child. John Lennon was killed on December 8th 1980, marking a very sad day for humanity, but also the day where he became more than a Legend. Some say he is a dreamer, but he is not the only one.

Be sure to understand Wallace once the comic is released, he is a magical character.

Wishing you good vibes and good cattitude, I'm out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Weekly Update #6 - Storyboarding

Hi Everyone!

Weekly Update #6 is here!

This week is great! Even though it's taking quite long during the development, advances are still being made. The storyboard is being done right now, all filled with concept art and hand-drawn.
Of course we expect the official issue #1 to be released in digital art.

Here's a little sneak peek:
You know you love this cat.

Anyways, to give a little more info, Boomcat's story is quite a long one, and quite out of this world.
I currently have story for Boomcat for 3 planned "Sagas" basically, and of course it could go on even more. It has a lot of potential. Potential which will be discovered in issue #2, and maybe i'll even throw in a few info in the blog.

Any suggestions, comments? Leave em below or on our facebook page!

Good Vibes and Good Cattitude to all! I'm Out!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Weekly Update #5 - Webcomic Dev, Project Mr. Potato.

Hey Everyone!

Weekly Update #5 is here!

This week was a little bit of a "Eureka" moment. At first I was planning on drawing Boomcat the Webcomic in paper, followed by scanning in high resolution, and some editing to the original scan.
But doesn't that sound like a major time killer? Of course it does!

So here's when it comes, I am deciding to make the comic 100% digital, of course drafts will be physical, but the original comic will be drawn with Adobe Illustrator.

How to save time? Well here is when "Project Mr. Potato" comes in, which in theory seems like a great idea. I am currently digitalising characters, as well as expressions, eyes, mouth, shifts, etc, so it will be easier and faster to continue the project of the comic. That way the comic wont just be drawn, but also built. Hence the Mr. Potato name of the project.

Here's a little quick example:

This is a Quick Draft of Albie, just standing around being Albie.

In this Image we have Albie now as Boomcat! All the elements of his suit and his expressions are separate files so I can just insert them and make em' fit good depending on the pose.

See how awesome Project Mr. Potato is? Now I just shifted the pose pretty quick using this idea!

Don't worry this does not mean that we will never have epic drawings in the comic. Epic drawings / scenes will be included anyways!

It's still quite a job to be done! All of Boomcat's shifts and the rest of the characters must be digitalised too!

What do you think of Project Mr. Potato?

Leave your comments, suggestions, observations, messages, or whatever on the comments below, or on our Facebook Page!

Good Vibes and Good Cattitude! I'm Out!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Weekly Update #4 - Developing Boomcat's Weaknesses.

Hi Everyone! 

Weekly Update #4 is here!

This week we will focus on the development of Boomcat, specifically weaknesses. 
As you all know most things about Boomcat already exist in the Superhero Sketchpad, however in this blog and during the development of the webcomic there will be posts that will dig deeper relating to the characters, analysing weaknesses and powers, how are powers used, and how weaknesses present themselves. For example:

Boomcat is a an alien super-intelligent CAT.
Why is CAT on caps? Well because even though he has his superpowers, and weakness, he still maintains his essence of a cat.

Weakness #1.-
He is a Cat.- This weakness is more of a psychological weakness. Cats generally don't like water, although water does not damage Boomcat, it alters him and makes him lose focus in an insane way, he is also afraid of it.
Also, Cats generally dislike dogs too, in this case Boomcat is more disgusted by dogs and tries to avoid them in any way. Although if he has to save a doggy, he will try his best to save the doggy anyways.
Cats are easily distracted by yarn balls, laser pointers, boxes, and eventually must spit out fur balls. I personally wont go into more details about those to avoid future spoilers!

You ugly thing made of evil... I gotta save you anyways so don't you dare move.

Weakness #2.-
Power Consumption.- All of Boomcat's shapeshifting powers are born from the billion nanobots that compose his arm, however all of these use energy, and this energy comes with a battery life basically.
Each time Boomcat shape-shifts his arm into something, it uses energy from each Nanobot.
Depending on what Boomcat shifts his arm to, varies the power consumption, like on a post before, for example using Cat-non will use up way more power that using for example the Cat-Punch.
When Boomcat's arm is out of power it will return to idle mode, which is the normal shape of his arm, this can happen any time, even in battle. When the arm is in idle mode it must recharge for 5 minutes to be used again, till the power is back on, Boomcat must fight or try to resist with whatever he has to recharge and use again his shifts.

It is also important to mention, that Boomcat can switch between shifts as much as he wants until the power is all consumed.

Oh crap... Not a good time to be out of power... Just when I was starting to act cocky...

These two weaknesses give us so much potential for Boomcat's story!
Of course there is another weakness for Boomcat but that comes quite later in the story, and will involve a very important story arc in the future.

I was also thinking, it would be cool to add an instrument to Boomcat for him to check out his remaining Power. Do you think it would be convenient? Should it be available from start? Or should it be available later on? Or simply discard it? Let me know in the comments below, Facebook, or even direct messages!

Good Vibes and Good Cattitude to Everyone! I'm Out!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weekly Update #3 - Boomcat's Powers

Hi everyone! 

Weekly Update #3 is here!

This post is actually a question I was asked. What are Boomcat's powers?

Well this is a great post for newcomers!

To start, Boomcat / Albie is not a normal cat, he comes from an alien cat race deep in space, this alien cat race is way more developed than Earth cats, they have the ability to speak and high intelligence.
Why is Boomcat on Earth then? Well I'm not gonna spoil it all!

Boomcat has a prosthetic arm (Left Front Leg) composed by millions of nano-bots that give him complete neurological control of his arm, however due to a magnetic storm in space the nano-bots were altered, giving him the ability to shapeshift his arm to whatever he wants.
However for combat purposes Boomcat has 9 forms he even named himself to use as mains.
Boomcat refers all his transformations as "Shifts".

#1 Cat-Punch .- Boomcat's personal favourite, He usually starts off with this transformation, he loves to smash things and use his brute force. And well, it's a giant arm, so it's very useful. 

#2 Cat-Claw .- Usually Boomcat uses it when he needs to dig up something. He will often dig holes with it, or probably pick up piles of debris with it.

#3 Cat-Copter .- Commonly used by Boomcat as his transport, or to fly up high and analyse the environment before his strikes.

#4 Cat-Shield .- Because Defence is just as important as Offence, His shield is pretty strong too. Boomcat likes to use it when he just doesn't want to give a crap about planning and just runs up the front door to attack.

#5 Cat-Hook .- A hook is always a good tool! Specially from climbing or grabbing things. Boomcat likes to use his hook to escape or to be able to hang from buildings, helicopters, blimps, etc. However he is also a naughty cat and likes to grab tongues with it and say one of his favourite intimidating phrases: "What's the prob? Cat got your tongue?"

#6 Cat-Magnet .- This is an interesting one, yet of the 9 it is the one he least uses since it consumes the most power. Boomcat uses his Cat-Magnet to attract anything metal, however due to all the magnetic force involved his arm will recharge quicker than with the rest of his moves. Wait... recharge? Hah! I will cover that next post!

#7 Cat-Non .- This shift is also used less than the rest due to his power consumption, it can launch a powerful beam ball that is able to strike his foes dealing critical or lethal damage.

#8 Meowster Sword .- As we already covered, Albie is a geeky cat, he uses this transformation aside from being a giant sword, because he loves it. In his free time he enjoys reading comics and playing video games, so why not strike your foes with a huge sword in the shape of the legendary blade of evil's bane from that awesome game he loves so much?

#9 Cat-Ling .- This one is also a energy consumer, but Boomcat usually uses the Cat-Ling shift when he is MAD! He loves his destructive power, but every single bullet consumes his energy, so he must use it very wisely... But when he loses his temper, he simply stops caring about power or not, he just wants to make things go BOOM!

Well that would be it for this week, or now? Wanna know about the energy consuming issue? Next post will be about Boomcat's weaknesses. Is there anything you would like to know about Boomcat? Leave your comments, messages, suggestions, questions, or whatever on the comments below, or on our Facebook page!

Good Vibes and Good Cattitude to Everyone! I'm Out!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Happy Cat Day

Hi Everyone!
Today is Cat day! Albie/Boomcat is very happy!
Remember you can be a superhero too by helping out animals in need, or anything that can help society! Here's a link to an interesting website I found while browsing about National Cat day!

Good vibes and Good Cattitude to everyone! I'm out!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Weekly Update #2 - Getting to know Albie the cat.

Hi everyone!

Weekly Update #2  is here!

Who is Boomcat when he is not Boomcat? Albert of course! Although he prefers to be called "Albie".
Anyways, Albie is quite a unique cat. He lives in Guapulo, a district in the city of Quito. It is a pretty iconic "barrio" in the city too. It's often classified as a bohemian neighbourhood with many artists and such. I personally picked this area for Albie's neighbourhood because I feel it's a great place for him to be in, as your walk through the streets you can instantly feel inspired, it's iconic to Quito, it's simple quite a great place!

A picture I found of Guapulo, next time i'll post some of my own!

Besides, Albie lives with Wallace in an apartment as roommates. Wallace is an plastic artist and also a musician, who likes to meditate, improvise on the guitar, and paint anything he has near him. He is helping Albie become a more peaceful being, and not to look back in anger. Basically Wallace is a mentor for our hero, since he shows him the path to illumination, the path of inner peace.
They both have a great relationship, Albie is even into art and music himself.

Albie meditating while enjoying how Wallace plays guitar.

Albie is a normal yet not normal cat also. He likes to play the violin in the rooftop of the house, paint his paws on walls, meditate, and even has a habit of reading comics and watching anime or action movies on tv. However when he sees a yarn ball he completely loses it and basically becomes hypnotised by it, not to mention laser pointers. One funny thing is, even when he is Boomcat he maintains those habits; probably the strangest one is his relationship with dogs, Albie is actually creeped out by dogs, a mixture of disgust and fear. Albie also loves to eat tuna or any kind of fish, he likes to take naps and listen to Wallace play on the guitar which is usually blues or classic rock. 

Sketching around Albie and his Violin.

Well that would be it for this week, sorry for the delay, I will try to post something this week again to compensate! So, about Albie, what would you like to know more of him?

Any comments, questions, suggestions? Let me know via comments or on our Facebook Page!

Good Vibes and Good Cattitude to Everyone! I'm Out!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekly Update #1 - The Script

Hi Everyone!

Weekly Update #1 is here!

Wait... What are weekly updates??

Weekly Updates will be "Weekly Updates" (RLY?!) with the progress of the web comic.

For example, for every issue I am planning to do:
1) Script phase
2) Storyboard phase
3) Drawing phase

Usually I will post sneak peeks of the script, the storyboard, or a drawing.
The idea of this is to give you guys something nice to peek until issue #1 is released.

When will issue #1 be released?

I honestly don't want to lie to anyone, Issue #1 is aimed to be released early 2016.

It does seem like a lot of time, but I must assure you a nice job before publishing anything, which is the reason why I am taking my time to give you guys something great!

Weekly Update #1 Sneak Peek:

This is a fragment for issue #1, it's not the start, nor the beginning, it's just a little teaser i'm throwing in of the script.

For scripting I'm using a nice software I found online called "Celtx" it's a nice tool for scripting not only comics, but movies, or any other project. You should check it out here!

Please if you have any other comments, suggestions, or questions, be sure to leave em' in the comments section of the blog or on the Facebook page!

Good vibes and Good Cattitude to Everyone! I'm out!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Facebook Page Created!

Hi everyone!

I'm glad to say the official facebook page for Boomcat has been created, the idea of it is to support and boost the news and posts in the blog, expanding our kitty's universe even more!
Thanks to everyone and keep supporting! #BoomcatLives
You can join now at: https://www.facebook.com/boomcatofficial or click the image!

Good vibes and good cattitude to everyone! I'm out.

Boom Boom Cat! The Road to the Webcomic!

Hi everyone!

Daniel here, I would like to thank everyone who has supported Boomcat since the time he was a kitty with no name! This blog has been created to post the progress of the webcomic that will eventually be released.
For those newcomers, Boomcat is a superhero that was born while I was taking the online course "The Rise of Superheroes and their Impact on Pop Culture, Class Popx1.2x, by the SmithsonianX institution and edX"
The Kitty had quite the spotlight during the course, and of course, thanks to everyone who supported Boomcat, he is gonna live, all Thanks to YOU!

Stay tuned, in this blog I will be posting concept art, the progress, a few teasers, and many things that will eventually lead to the webcomic. Think of it as "The Road to the Webcomic"!

Wanna know more about Boomcat? You can access the sketchpad where he was created here.

Good vibes and Good Cattitude to everyone, I'm out.