Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Weekly Update #2 - Getting to know Albie the cat.

Hi everyone!

Weekly Update #2  is here!

Who is Boomcat when he is not Boomcat? Albert of course! Although he prefers to be called "Albie".
Anyways, Albie is quite a unique cat. He lives in Guapulo, a district in the city of Quito. It is a pretty iconic "barrio" in the city too. It's often classified as a bohemian neighbourhood with many artists and such. I personally picked this area for Albie's neighbourhood because I feel it's a great place for him to be in, as your walk through the streets you can instantly feel inspired, it's iconic to Quito, it's simple quite a great place!

A picture I found of Guapulo, next time i'll post some of my own!

Besides, Albie lives with Wallace in an apartment as roommates. Wallace is an plastic artist and also a musician, who likes to meditate, improvise on the guitar, and paint anything he has near him. He is helping Albie become a more peaceful being, and not to look back in anger. Basically Wallace is a mentor for our hero, since he shows him the path to illumination, the path of inner peace.
They both have a great relationship, Albie is even into art and music himself.

Albie meditating while enjoying how Wallace plays guitar.

Albie is a normal yet not normal cat also. He likes to play the violin in the rooftop of the house, paint his paws on walls, meditate, and even has a habit of reading comics and watching anime or action movies on tv. However when he sees a yarn ball he completely loses it and basically becomes hypnotised by it, not to mention laser pointers. One funny thing is, even when he is Boomcat he maintains those habits; probably the strangest one is his relationship with dogs, Albie is actually creeped out by dogs, a mixture of disgust and fear. Albie also loves to eat tuna or any kind of fish, he likes to take naps and listen to Wallace play on the guitar which is usually blues or classic rock. 

Sketching around Albie and his Violin.

Well that would be it for this week, sorry for the delay, I will try to post something this week again to compensate! So, about Albie, what would you like to know more of him?

Any comments, questions, suggestions? Let me know via comments or on our Facebook Page!

Good Vibes and Good Cattitude to Everyone! I'm Out!

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